dw submissions

Development Watch makes submissions to the Queensland State Government and the Sunshinecoat Regional Council on a range of topics. These include submissions on State planning laws and policies, Council's planning scheme and policies, as well as development applications. This page summarizes some of our recent submissions.

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26 June 2013 - Submission to Council objecting to the Palmer Coolum Resort application for a dinosaur park with 160 "roaring" dinosaurs and a motor museum at the Resort. These man-made attractions are totally out of keeping with the nature of the resort and conflict with the Maroochy Plan and the Resort Master Plan.
Submission as PDF file [340KB] click to download

14 December 2012 - Development Watch Submission on Draft Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme. The draft planning scheme is long (over 2000 pages) and complex. Teasing out any issue required checking multiple parts of the document. There are some very good features of the draft Planning Scheme, but we have some major concerns.
Full version of submission as PDF file[613KB] click to download
Summarised version of submission as PDF file [80KB] click to download

16 October 2012 - Submission to Sunshine Coast Council on the redevelopment of the Coolum Hotel site Coolum Beach. Development Watch objects to the bulk discount liquor warehouse because it does not comply with the Maroochy Plan. It is much bigger than needed and the warehouse style character is innappropriate for that setting. Also we object to the negative economic impact of the bulk liquor warehouse on the existing small businesses and the harm that increased access to discount liquor does in a community.The entry from Birtwill St is unsafe and there are an inadequate car parking spaces. Also the setbacks for the hotel do not comply. Submission as PDF file [163KB] click to download

8 June 2012 - Submission to Sunshine Coast Council on the reconfiguration of lots at 13 Santa Monica Ave Coolum Beach. Development Watch objects to the reconfiguration as the two lots would be smaller than the Maroochy Plan allows for that precinct and the proposed reconfiguration does not meet the requirements for relaxation of the minimum lot size. Submission as PDF file [163KB] click to download

26 Feb 2012 - Submission to Sunshine Coast Council on the United Petroleum application to redevelop the petrol station on David Low in Coolum. Development Watch generally supported the application but objected to the pylon sign being larger than the Code allows and to another fast food outlet in Coolum. Submission as MSWord DOC file [39KB] click to download

archived dw submissions 2011 to 2006

Submissions dating back to 2006 have been archived to reduce this page length but they are available for download.

To Browse all 2011 Submissions click here

To Browse all 2010 Submissions click here

To Browse all 2009 Submissions click here

To Browse all 2008 Submissions click here

To Browse all 2007 Submissions click here

To Browse all 2006 Submissions click here